GermanFest Memories
Our Saviour Lutheran Church GermanFest 2011


Schedule of Events

Children's Activities

Silent Auction


Contact Us

GermanFest Photos

GermanFest Photos


GermanFest provides us the opportunity to share Our Saviour Church's rich German heritage with the community. With German food, entertainment, children's games and a silent auction, it's a fun-filled day of fellowship.

We look forward to seeing familar faces, and hope to see some new faces, at this year's GermanFest!

Many of our members are authentic German bakers or were raised by them. They use their many talents to bake up some wonderful desserts for us to seel at our Bake Table.

Strudel making takes least a full 10 hour day to get ready for GermanFest. It's a great learning experience for all bakers and we encourage all our congregation members to come out and help.

No one grabs and keeps kid's attention like the
Popcorn Hat Players..

Helpful volunteers are ready to serve you..

Still Cooking..